Welcome to a new year with us
Dear Community,
Happy New 2025! We hope you’ve had a relaxing holiday season and feel ready to start the new year. We are excited to offer a wide range of wellness activities this year. Breathwork classes, a course in stress- and recovery therapy, a brand new choir as well as yoga classes and circles. You will find information about the activities under Classes on our website, some classes start already this week but most of the activities begin later in January.
Sjöhuset is a multicultural community center attracting people from all corners of the world, therefore we use English as our main language of communication to include all community members. However, most of the time we mix Swedish and English. We are passionate about creating a place where everyone can find a sense of belonging and a place to put down your roots now - irrespective of where you came from originally. We all belong equally to our beautiful Earth and we want everyone to feel that they can contribute with their presence to the local community and love the land you are on.
We are looking forward to seeing you all this year.
Lots of Love from the Sjöhuset team